세계여행/나홀로 배낭 여행_국외


세인트1 2012. 12. 29. 15:53

One of America's most interesting national parks is located in northeastern Arizona not far from the more well-known Grand Canyon. The 93,533 acres of Petrified Forest which contain America's largest deposits of petrified wood, a rich and colorful desert, many fossils of dinosaurs and other creatures, and more than 500 archaeological sites including amazing petroglyphs left by ancient cultures.

미국에서 가장 흥미로운 국립 공원 중 하나는 멀지 더 잘 알려진 그랜드 캐년에서 북동부 애리조나에 위치하고 있습니다. 눌리고 나무, 풍부하고 다채로운 사막, 공룡과 다른 생물의 많은 화석, 고대 문화 남긴 놀라운 petroglyphs 포함하여 500 개 이상의 고고 학적 유적지의 미국 최대의 예금을 포함 눌리고 숲의 9만3천5백33에이커.

Park History

Despite the dry conditions which currently exist in the Petrified Forest it has been inhabited for as long as 10,000 years. At least three prehistoric cultures--the Anasazi, the Mogollon, and the Sinagua--lived for a period in the area. The Anasazi occupied the land in the years between 1100 and 1400, living as farmers and cultivating corn, beans, and squash. It seems likely, however, that droughts in the 13th century and beyond spelled the end of the Indian civilization in the park area as inhabitants moved elsewhere to other areas.

By 1540, when the first Spanish explorers passed through the area, Indians no longer inhabited the area. Additional exploration continued; a U.S. Army officer passed by in 1851. Captain Lorenzo Silgreaves of the U.S. Army was the first person to publish information about petrified wood in the area near the park, and the first geologist to visit the park area was Julius Marcou in 1853. The Whipple Expedition, led by Lt. Amiel W. Whipple and including 100 scientists, engineers, soldiers, and teamsters, discovered the existence of petrified wood in the park itself.

Unfortunately, the beautiful and interesting wood specimens proved irresistible to collectors and business people, and large quantities of the petrified wood was removed. The arrival of the Atlantic and Pacific Railway in 1883 brought settlers and others to the area and more pressure on the wood. In the 1890's people were even dynamiting some of the preserved logs to gain access to the gems inside. By 1899 travel writer Charlers Lummis was writing about the desctruction of the unique natural resources of the park.

The major impetus for creating a park came from a desire to protect the rapidly diminishing store of petrified wood in the park. Arizona legislator Will Barnes succeeding in persuading the territorial legislature in 1895 to request the U.S. government to create a national park in the area. Famed naturalist John Muir, who also spent time in the area, also called for creation of a park. U.S. Geological Suurvey paleobiologist Lester F. Ward examined the area in 1899 and recommended it be withdrawn from homsteading and saved as a national park. In 1906 President Theodore Roosevelt created the nation's second national monument in the southern portion of the current park, including only the Rainbow and Jasper Forests at that time. In 1932 the Painted Desert and Blue mesa areas were added to the monument.

After 56 years as a national monument Petrified Forest was finally made a national park on December 9, 1962.

Petrified Wood

The name of the park, and its major reason for creation, is the rich collection of petrified wood found mainly in the south portion of the park. It is the most spectaclular collection of petrified wood ever found. In many areas large logs, stumps, and chunks of crystal may be found lying freely around the ground.

공원의 역사

눌리고 삼림 현재 존재하는 건조 조건에도 불구하고 그것은 오래 만년으로 들어간되었습니다. 적어도 셋이 선사 시대의 문화 - 아나 사지, Mogollon, 그리고 Sinagua이 -이 지역의 기간 동안 살았습니다. 아나 사지는 농민과 재배 옥수수, 콩, 스쿼시 등 생활, 1100과 1400 사이에 몇 년 동안이 땅을 점령. 주민들이 다른 지역으로 다른 곳으로 옮겨로 가능성이 보인다, 그러나, 13 세기와 그 이후 가뭄이 공원 지역에서 인도 문명의 끝을 철자.

1540으로, 첫 번째 스페인어 탐험가이 지역을 통과 할 때, 인도는 더 이상이 지역을 거주 없습니다. 추가 탐사는 계속, 미군 장교는 1851 년에 통과 시켰습니다. 미 육군의 대장 로렌조 Silgreaves는 1853 년에 공원 지역 율리우스 Marcou했습니다 방문 공원 근처 지역에 눌리고 나무, 그리고 최초의 지질 학자에 대한 정보를 게시 할 수있는 최초의 사람이었다. 중위 Amiel W. 위플 100 과학자, 엔지니어, 군인 및 teamsters를 포함하여 주도 위플의 원정은 공원 자체 눌리고 나무의 존재를 발견했다.

불행하게도, 아름답고 재미있는 나무 표본이 수집 및 비즈니스 사람들에게 저항 입증하고, 눌리고 나무의 대량이 삭제되었습니다. 1883 년 대서양과 태평양 철도의 도착 지역과 나무에 대한 자세한 압력에 정착민과 다른 가져 왔어. 1890의 백성에서도 내부의 보석에 대한 액세스 권한을 얻으려면 보존 로그의 일부를 dynamiting했다. 1899 여행 작가 Charlers으로 Lummis는 공원의 독특한 자연 자원의 desctruction에 대해 쓰고 있었어요.

공원을 만들기위한 주요 원동력이 공원에 눌리고 나무의 급속하게 감소 저장소를 보호하는 욕망에서 왔어. 애리조나 법률 제정자 네즈 지역의 국립 공원을 만들기 위해 미국 정부를 요청 1895 년에 영토 입법부를 설득에 성공 예. 또한이 지역에서 시간을 보냈다 유명한 자연주의 존 뮤어는 또한 공원의 생성에했다. 미국 지질 Suurvey paleobiologist 레스터 F. 워드는 1899 년에이 지역을 검토하고는 homsteading에서 금액이 인출되고 국립 공원으로 저장하는 것이 좋습니다. 1906 년에 대통령 시어 도어 루즈 벨트 당시 만 레인보우와 재스퍼 산림를 포함하여 현재 공원의 남쪽 부분에 미국의 두 번째 국가 기념물을 만들었습니다. 1932 년 페인 티드 사막과 블루 메사 지역은 비석에 추가되었습니다.

로 56년 후 국가 기념물 눌리고 숲이 드디어 1962년 12월 9일에 국립 공원을 조성했다.

눌리고 나무

공원의 이름 및 생성에 대한 주요 이유는, 공원의 남쪽 부분에 주로 발견 눌리고 나무의 풍부한 모음입니다. 지금까지 발견 눌리고 나무의 가장 spectaclular 모음입니다. 많은 지역에서 큰 로그, stumps, 그리고 크리스탈 덩어리는 1 주변에 자유롭게 누워있는 걸 발견 할 수 있습니다.

The petrified wood found in the park began its existence as large trees from an ancient forest some 225 years ago. After falling, the trees were washed downstream from as far as 50 miles away onto a flood plain which lay on the current area of the park. The logs were covered by volcanic sand and silt sometimes to a depth of 1100 feet.

공원에서 발견 된 눌리고 나무 일부 2백25년 전에 고대 숲에서 큰 나무로 그 존재를 시작했다. 떨어지는 후, 나무 공원의 현재 영역에 누워 홍수 평야로 떨어져 멀리 50 마일 하류에 세척했다. 로그는 1,100피트의 깊이에 때때로 화산 모래와 미사에 포함되었다.

Over time, as water seeped toward the buried logs waterborne silica slowly replaced the wood, creating the petrified logs.

물이 묻어 로그 waterborne 실리카으로 스며으로 시간이 지남에 천천히 눌리고 로그를 만들고, 나무를 대체.

In some sections fairly large sections of trees can be found lying about. The largest is "Old Faithful", found in the Rainbow Forest in the southern section of the park. This specimen has a diameter of 9 1/2 feet.

일부 섹션에서 나무의 매우 큰 부분이 거짓말을 발견 할 수 있습니다. 가장 큰이 공원의 남쪽 부분에 레인보우의 숲에서 발견 된 "올드 성실"입니다. 이 견본은 9 1 / 2 피트의 직경이 있습니다.

In some cases the process of petrification duplicated the microscopic structure of the original tree, while in other cases the cell walls were dissolved in the process of petrification. In the picture below the inside has crystallized while the shape of the log is still visible.

다른 경우에 셀 벽 석화의 과정에 녹아있는 동안 어떤 경우에는 석화의 과정은 원래 나무의 미세 구조를 중복. 로그의 형태가 여전히 표시되는 동안 내부 아래 그림에 크리스털 있습니다.

The chunk shown here doesn't look much like a tree at all.

Unfortunately, pilfering and removal of the specimens of petrified wood continue to this day. Some 25,000 pounds of wood are removed from the park each year. A number of security measures, such as closing the park before sundown, have been implemented to try to control this problem. Fortunately, it is difficult to remove the larger pieces, such as the petrified logs shown below.

Additional pictures of and more information about the petrified wood in the park can be found on another page.

Painted Desert

The other well-known feature of Petrified Forest National Park is the Painted Forest found in the northern section of the park. Here the desert lands are brilliantly colored, as can be seen below in the view looking north from Tiponi Point.

The colors in the desert result from the minerals in the soil; the characteristic red color is due to iron oxides. Below is another view from Tiponi Point.

In the view below some different colors are visible from Tawa Point.

A view to the northwest shows another section of the Painted Desert from Pintado Point, once known as "350 Degree Knoll." Strong winds frequently race across the flat lands of the park. In the top middle section a dust devil can be seen moving across the landscape. Also visible is Pilot Rock, the highest point in the park at 6,235 feet.

Many of the views of the Painted Desert presented in this document are along the Painted Desert Rim Drive, including the next two shown below. First, the ridge above the desert can be seen from Nizhoni Point.

On clear days the visitor may be able to see for 100 miles from the rim of the Painted Desert.

A view toward the northeast is shown below from Kachina Point, the location of the Painted Desert Inn (discussed on the next page).

More views of the Painted Desert are shown below. The first is from Kachina Point (as above).

Below is Lacey Point. Portions of the Painted Desert were declared the nation's first wilderness are in the National Park System in 1970.

Blue Mesa

One of the most striking areas in the park is the fabulous Blue Mesa in the east central section. This area features other worldly, almost lunar landscapes with wildly sculpted hills and striated rocks. The picture below shows the nature trail which runs through the middle of the area.

The signature bands of the badlands of the park result from the sedimentary layers deposited in the area. This can be seen in additional views of the Blue Mesa area displayed below.

These views are among the most spectacular in the park.

The mudstone cliffs have been sculpted by the combined erosive effects of strong winds and occasional downpours. Heavy erosion is the rule here; as much as 3 inches of clay may wash away from the surface in 10 years.

Naturalist John Muir called this area "Blue Forest." one more view of the mesa is shown below.


The largest mammal found in the park is the pronghorn antelope, pictured below in the southern section of the park. These animals, which have keen eyesight and a swift running ability, flip their characteristic white tails to warn of danger.

Similar to the Roosevelt elk in Redwood National Park, these animals teetered on the brink of extinction early in the century. The pronghorn have made an excellent comeback and may now be found in many places throughout the park.


In the picture below two of the animals butt heads on the desert. Not really an antelope, the pronghorn possesses horns, not antlers. They feed on the grasses in the park.

The park features a number of types of birds, not the least of which is the raven which is common here and in other portions of northern Arizona. In the picture below on such bird can be seen perched on the cliff overlooking the desert scrub.