1225-13, Again_Death Valley, Rhyolite Historic Site
데쓰벨리 북동쪽 입구에 있는
이곳은 화산활동에 의해 발생한 독특한 물질에서 지형이름이 유래되었다.
사실 이곳에 진입할때는 대충 둘러보고 갈예정이었는데
조금만 조금만더 하다가 몇시간을 까먹은곳이다.
출입 제한이 있는지 모르고 산꼭대기까지 차를 몰고가서 탄광 입구를 둘러보기도하고
으시시한 탄광 입구에서 웬지모르는 섬뜩한 기분을 맛보기도 했다.
그런데 나중에 나오다보니 간판에 이상한 글귀를 발견했다.
" 낮 시간에만 이용하라"
어쩐지 기분이 묘한,,,
귀신이 정말있나?
밤에 캠핑도 금지되어있다.
사진찍는다고 늦게까지 있을분은 참고하시길,,,,
Her birth was brought about by Shorty Harris and E. L. Cross, who were prospecting in the area in 1904.
They found quartz all over a hill, and as Shorty describes it “... the quartz was just full of free gold... it was the original bullfrog rock... this banner is a crackerjack” declared Shorty! “The district is going to be the banner camp of Nevada.
I say so once and I’ll say it again.” At that time there was only one other person in the whole area: Old Man Beatty who lived in a ranch with his family five miles away.
Soon the rush was on and several camps were set up including Bullfrog, the Amargosa and a settlement between them called Jumpertown. A townsite was laid out nearby and given the name Rhyolite from the silica-rich volcanic rock in the area.
There were over 2000 claims covering everything in a 30 mile area from the Bullfrog district. The most promising was the Montgomery Shoshone mine, which prompted everyone to move to the Rhyolite townsite.
The town immediately boomed with buildings springing up everywhere. one building was 3 stories tall and cost $90,000 to build. A stock exchange and Board of Trade were formed.
The red light district drew women from as far away as San Francisco. There were hotels, stores, a school for 250 children, an ice plant, two electric plants, foundries and machine shops and even a miner’s union hospital.
The town citizens had an active social life including baseball games, dances, basket socials, whist parties, tennis, a symphony, Sunday school picnics, basketball games, Saturday night variety shows at the opera house and pool tournaments.
In 1906 Countess Morajeski opened the Alaska Glacier Ice Cream Parlor to the delight of the local citizenry. That same year an enterprising miner, Tom T. Kelly, built a Bottle House out of 50,000 beer and liquor bottles.
In April 1907 electricity came to Rhyolite, and by August of that year a mill had been constructed to handle 300 tons of ore a day at the Montgomery Shoshone mine. It consisted of a crusher, 3 giant rollers, over a dozen cyanide tanks and a reduction furnace.
The Montgomery Shoshone mine had become nationally known because Bob Montgomery once boasted he could take $10,000 a day in ore from the mine. It was later owned by Charles Schwab, who purchased it in 1906 for a reported 2 to 6 million dollars.
The financial panic of 1907 took its toll on Rhyolite and was seen as the beginning of the end for the town. In the next few years mines started closing and banks failed. Newspapers went out of business, and by 1910 the production at the mill had slowed to $246,661 and there were only 611 residents in the town.
On March 14, 1911 the directors voted to close down the Montgomery Shoshone mine and mill. In 1916 the light and power were finally turned off in the town.
Today you can find several remnants of Rhyolite’s glory days. Some of the walls of the 3 story bank building are still standing, as is part of the old jail. The train depot (privately owned) is one of the few complete buildings left in the town, as is the Bottle House.
The Bottle House was restored by Paramount pictures in Jan, 1925. The ghost town of Rhyolite is on a mixture of federal and private land. It is not within the boundary of Death Valley National Park.
Rhyolite is 35 miles from the Furnace Creek Visitor Center on the way to Beatty, Nevada. A paved road heading north (left) from Hwy. 374 will take you to the heart of the the town.
집앞에 잇는 그림자가 비추는곳이 묘해서 한방,,
최후의 만찬이라는 제목하에 있는 이 석고상,
차라리 사람 모습이라면 덜할텐데,,
이러한 빈껍데기 석고상은 의외로 사람에게 공포감을 준다.
한때 주거 인원이 일만명을 넘었다는 이곳은
위에 보이는 카지노를 비롯해서
은행, 신문사, 증권사,,, 심지어 얼음공장까지 있었다고 한다.
하지만 이곳은 1907년을 기점으로 사람없는 유령도시로 변하고,,,
카지노 건물 정면
이러한 광산 입구가 산전체에 흩어져있었다.
얼마나 많은 광부들이 있었는지 짐작이 가고도 남을 정도이다.
이곳의 경제 활동은 멀리 샡프란시스코까지 퍼져 그곳에서 윤락녀와 많은 여자들이 모여들기도 했다.
1906년 모라제스키 백작에 의해서 약 5만개의 병으로 만들어진 집,
한때 몰락하고 폐쇄되는 동네의 상징인양 허물어지고 앙상해졌지만
1925년 파라마운트사에 의해서 복원되었다고한다.
병으로 만든 하우스
멋도 모르고 길도없는 산을 올랐다.
멀리 보이는 희미한 동네가 유령 마을,,
유령마을 중심으로 사방이 이러한 산으로 둘러싸여있는데
산에는 마치 들쥐 구멍인양 광산 입구가 한발 건너 하나씩 존재하고 있었다.