세계여행/나홀로 배낭 여행_국외

1010-13, Redrock Canyon State Park

세인트1 2013. 10. 17. 09:30

Red Rock Canyon State Park features scenic desert cliffs, 

buttes and spectacular rock formations. 

The park is located where the southernmost tip of the Sierra Nevada converge with the El 

Paso Range. 

Each tributary canyon is unique, with dramatic shapes and vivid colors. 

Historically, the area was once home to the Kawaiisu Indians,


who left petroglyphs in the El Paso mountains and other evidence of their inhabitation.


The spectacular gash situated at the western edge of the El Paso mountain range was on the

 Native American trade route for thousands of years. 

During the early 1870s, the colorful rock formations in the park served as landmarks for 

20-mule team freight wagons that stopped for water.


About 1850, it was used by the footsore survivors of the famous Death Valley trek including

 members of the Arcane and Bennett families along with some of the Illinois Jayhawkers

The park now protects significant paleontology sites and the remains of 1890s-era mining operations, 

and has been the site for a number of movies.

After wet winters, the park's floral displays are stunning.


This winter was very dry so the wildflowers should be sparse this year,


but the beauty of the desert, combined with the geologic features make this park a camper's

 favorite destination.


Wildlife you may encounter includes roadrunners, hawks, lizards, mice and squirrels.

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